Tuesday, October 23, 2007

response to questions

Test read by my critical, skeptical (but inquiring) editor. She adamantly insists on certain questions, particularly, is it safe to follow my advice over the medical prescription?

After considerable thought, I arrive at an answer - not to the question of whether it is safe, but how it is safe. It calls for a reassertion, consolidation, and clarification of what I said on the subject earlier.

My prescription calls upon you to perform certain exercises (two already listed, more to follow). Then, each time your perform them, and also throughout the day, pay attention to sensations in relevant areas of body and life. Does the area in question feel refreshed, invigorated, more supple, strengthened, more comfortable, more alive? Those kinds of sensations will tell you that the exercises are working.

Hypothetically, if a part of your body feels comfortable, vigorous, supple, and strong, it is healthy, and disease of any kind in that area is out of the question.

Note that a healthy condition needs maintenance, so a sensation of health is not a recommendation to pay no further attention. Again, the exercises I'm prescribing for disease are really the exact same exercises I prescribe for maintaining good health. By following these prescriptions, you are learning the healthy habits that healthy people practice. Having learned them, keep them up. (Note that using your own senses, instinct, and intellect to decide specifically what you need to do at any particular time is one of those healthy habits.)

Two new questions/ideas:

The approach just described can help you talk to doctors. I'll write about that in the next post.

And, what about the case in question, where there aren't any physical symptoms (discomfort, loss of energy, anything at all)? You are looking for the same sensations of vigour listed above, and the context: you are applying the same prescriptions I have described, and will be describing. Also, the same ideas apply when speaking with your doctors, r.e. the next post.

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